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The goal of this book is to help you arm your family with skills to successfully ward off recruitment into transgender ideology, to prevent the heartbreak of seeing children reject family and friends as well the very essence of who they are.


"No one is better equipped to write this book than Dr. Erin Brewer. Having spent years consistently and persistently insisting that she was really a boy, Dr. Brewer knows very well what it is to experience gender dysphoria, and then to receive appropriate support from school and therapists in order to accept her true and authentic self as the girl-- and eventually the woman--that she is. She has also seen first-hand what idealogues and activists have done to today's schools and therapists. Were Dr. Brewer a transgender-identified child today, she would immediately be put on a conveyer belt to sterilization. As a former 'trans kid,' an educator, and a parent, Dr. Brewer has written Parenting in a Transgender World: A Handbook as a guide for today's parents, to help them protect their children from the predatory gender industry. This is invaluable reading for all parents who know that no child was ever born in the wrong body."

-Maria Keffler, co-founder of Advocates Protecting Children and author of Desist, Detrans & Detox: Getting Your Child Out of the Gender Cult


"Dr. Brewer writes with compassion using easy-to-understand language. A must-read. Our situation might be totally different had this book been available when our family was unwillingly dragged into this ideology. Definitely worth sharing with parents."


-Mother of a child who identifies as transgender

Parenting in a Transgender World (PDF)

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    Défenseurs de la protection des enfants

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